Political Correctness, Censorship, and the Writer


“Being Politically Correct means always having to say you’re sorry.”

–Charles Osgood

“Well, the man who first translated the Bible into English was burned at the stake, and they’ve been at it ever since. Must be all that adultery, murder, and incest. But not to worry. It’s back on the shelves.”

–Phyliss Reynolds Naylor


In today’s Politically Correct US of A, we Americans must tread carefully on eggshells. We must be ever vigilant of what we say, what we write, and even of what we think, lest we offend the sensitivities of the many “holier than thou” factions inhabiting today’s society. God forbid we utter a wrong word,  a word that has been deemed by our Big Brother government or our institutions of higher learning (I use the term very, very loosely!) as offensive, or insensitive, or racist, or sexist, or homophobic. We must exercise extreme caution not to step on anyone’s toes or offend them in any way, shape, or form. Should we slip up and cross the line drawn in the sand by the PC Police, there might well be hell to pay.

Little Black Sambo 1948

Back in the long ago days of yesteryear and my misspent youth, one of my favorite children’s books was The Story of Little Black Sambo. Written and illustrated in 1899 by Scottish author Helen Bannerman for her own young tykes, LBS was a favorite among children everywhere until the 1970s when Political Correctness reared its ugly head and the book largely vanished from library and bookstore shelves. Yes, Political Correctness has existed long before the rather benevolent name came into everyday use and household popularity (or repugnance, choose your poison). A much more defining term for Political Correctness would be Cultural Marxism. Think about it. Research it if need be.


When the racist uproar over LBS reached the ears of the all-knowing censors, they zeroed their focus and targeted the name “Sambo” as a shameful put down for the young black protagonist of the story. Uh . . . okey-dokey. I fail to see the damaging implication, but if the know-it-alls say it’s so, it must be so. However, they somehow failed to mention the real relevancy of Mrs. Bannerman’s tale. Or realize the morals the story teaches, and the positive attributes the story showers generously upon our young (and yes, black) hero. For those not familiar with Bannerman’s gem, I offer a brief synopsis of The Story of Little Black Sambo.

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sambo66    sambo68

Sambo’s mother sews him a new red coat and bright blue trousers. At the local bazaar, his father buys Sambo a pair of purple shoes and a beautiful green umbrella. All decked out in his dandy new outfit, Little Black Sambo decides to take a stroll through the jungle. Along the way, he encounters four hungry tigers, one at a time. Each tiger threatens to make a meal of poor Sambo, but he persuades them to accept an article of his new ensemble in exchange for not eating him. The tigers agree, and each strolls away thinking that they are the “grandest tiger in all the Jungle!” Bereft of his dandy new outfit, a dejected Sambo begins his journey home. But then he hears a terrific commotion and sees the four tigers arguing over just who is the grandest tiger of them all. The argument heats up, and the tigers remove their prized items (to avoid damage—this is a winner take all battle to the death) and begin fighting. They are soon running in circles around a big palm tree, ripping at one another’s backside, none willing to concede the title of dandiest tiger to the others. They are soon zipping around the tree in a blur, and before long they’ve become so heated they begin to melt. As Little Black Sambo approaches the tree, he finds the tigers have turned into a great ring of delicious melted butter. His father appears on his return from work carrying a big brass pot. They fill the pot with the tiger butter and take it home. That night the family enjoys a meal of delicious pancakes fried in, and flavored with, the tiger butter, all thanks to Sambo and his ingenuity of outwitting the four powerful tigers of the Jungle.

sambo77        sambo78         sambo61

So, what lessons does our little tale have to teach us? Bullying is an ongoing problem in the schools and playgrounds of today. The hungry tigers are prime examples of the typical bully—big, mean, threatening, and boastful. Always preying on the small and weak. However, Sambo, faced with being eaten by each of the four bullies, used his wits to outsmart them. Instead of allowing them to make a meal of him, Sambo kept his cool, devising a plan with his quick thinking, knowing the boastful tigers would try to outdo one other to win the title of the “grandest tiger of all the Jungle.”


Sambo displayed calmness in the face of danger, the ability to process a threatening situation (times four!), and the smarts to devise a plan on the spot. I ask you, are these attributes in any way demeaning to Sambo, despite the color of his skin? No, just the opposite. His calm, cool, and collected demeanor shows exactly the opposite—Little Black Sambo displayed intuition, intelligence, and bravery in the face of a very precarious situation.


However, instead of concentrating on these overwhelmingly  positive and admirable attributes of character that our young hero obviously possesses, the offended, chip-on-the-shoulder-carrying politically correct faction cries “foul,” all the while pointing accusing fingers at Sambo’s name and how he appeared in the author’s original illustration (created, I remind you, in 1899).

little black sambo new

The Story of Little Black Sambo has, in recent years, made a comeback of sorts. There are now several revised versions of Helen Bannerman’s classic tale available on the market. However, most have been revised with deviations of the narrative, location, and especially the illustrations accentuating our young brave hero’s exploits. Even, in some cases, the names have been changed to protect the innocent. (God forbid they should hear such a racist name as Little Black Sambo, never mind Sambo’s heroic reasoning and exploits). All the revisers, in my honest opinion, have missed the point. (See my arguments/defense above.)


I had intended to list numerous works of literature, their authors, and the reasons they had been banned, but alas, time and space restraints beckon me to refrain. Most of you can name your own favorite works that have endured the dull culling of the Politically Correct and ignorant censors. First Amendment be damned! I believe choosing an innocent children’s book written in the 19th Century will suffice getting my point across.

sweep under the rug

We writers—and readers, are faced with an ever-intensifying attempt to sweep our Constitutional rights under the rug to please and placate the whining of those who care not a damn for the principles upon which this nation was founded. It has become, “That offends me, and I’m not going to put up with it! Big Brother, make them cease and desist!”

banned (1)

Our nation is facing a precarious turning point. Do we succumb to the Politically Correct and their continual push for more censorship, or do we throw off those shackles and recapture the rights once held so precious and dear to the heart of every American patriot? The choice is yours, dear reader.

Michael Helms enjoys hearing from fans and critics alike. Never fear, he can listen to and entertain opinions that deviate from his own viewpoint (no matter how misguided they might be). Contact him through this blog, or emhelms63@yahoo.com.



14 thoughts on “Political Correctness, Censorship, and the Writer

  1. Pingback: from e. michael helms – politically correct, the new censorship – INCEST CENTRAL

  2. In an effort to include absolutely everyone and absolutely everything they do we are ending up with a society filled with mediocrity and people so thin-skinned they might melt if anyone disagreed with them. Strangely, we are getting the opposite of what we were supposed to be aiming for. We need citizens who are educated not indoctrinated. Differences of opinion do not vanish because they are unexpressed, they go underground where they fester into stubbornly divisive wounds. Bring things out into the open and you get healing. Sadly, we cannot quell hatred by keeping people quiet. It is better to know who the enemy is and harder to discover this when they hide hateful feelings behind smiles. It simply does not work. The intent behind what people say is important.

    I participated in a mass grading of essay assignments a couple of years ago and the instructions for grading the papers were obscure. I could not figure out how they wanted the papers graded but it was obvious that they did not want any of the kids to fail. There were some superior essays and there were many illiterate essays reflecting the lack of understanding of the English language by a large percentage of the students. There is always room for creativity in writing, but right is right and wrong is wrong. If we lose Standard English completely we have no footing. If people want to use English in a non-standard way I feel they should first know how to use it correctly. And yes I do mean correctly. I ended up telling off the people in charge of the grading and walking out. I could not do what they asked. Many of the teachers who participated agreed with me yet they remained.

    Harboring hatred in our hearts for other people is destructive but character cannot be changed by lies.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Wow, VERY well stated, MJ! Lowering standards has only resulted in failure for the masses. Plus, adding “safe” zones or warnings that something offensive might be coming up has only compounded the problem. Good for you for standing by your principles!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m not one for political correctness or censorship; however, I do think, if we plan to live in a world with other people, then the least we can do is research appropriate and accurate ways to depict different cultures, so as not to offend.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Michael, we had that book in my parents’ bookcase at home when we were kids. We read it and saw the book as a story of victory for Sambo and not a politically incorrect story. I still think I have the original book which was my father’s childhood book. Thanks for sharing this as it brought back memories of my dad as coincidentally, it was just father’s day. Have a lovely day.

    Liked by 1 person

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