Split Seconds: A tangled web of secrets, lies and deceit! Pre-Order Your Copy Today! Bonuses Available! by Maggie Thom

Twins separated as toddlers, reunited as adults and now switching places in a deadly game to take on organized crime.

Her sister is alive! Excited to discover that her twin didn’t die as a toddler, Tijan can’t wait to meet her other half but she struggles to understand why her only sibling hasn’t reached out in almost thirty years. Although the reunion is joyous, not everyone is excited to discover that there are two of them. Using it to her advantage, Tijan is determined to take down the one man, responsible for it all… her father. The secrets and lies that have kept them apart, soon unravel but with deadly consequences.

Publication day, July 20th

Here’s What Readers Are Saying:

“Wow… just finished reading Split Seconds and it was so fast paced! The action in the story was breathtaking – I was taken on such a roller coaster and couldn’t believe how strong Tijan was and how bad the villains were.  Exciting stuff.  …this exciting storyline could easily be read as a stand alone book – it was excellent!”

Sue Ingram

Just when you think Maggie Thom is at the top of her game, she writes another suspense that takes her to yet another pinnacle. In Split Seconds, identical twins separated as toddlers are reunited. Thom tells the story of their separation in chilling detail that brought tears to my eyes, forced the adrenaline to pump and caused my maternal instincts to feel their agonizing pain—and that was only the beginning. Lest you think all falls into place when they meet again years later, you’d better hang onto your seat because you’re in for more twists and turns than a world-class roller coaster. Thom kept me guessing to the very end with her skillful writing, believably flawed and engaging characters and intriguing subplots. I highly recommend this book.

P.M. Terrell – Internationally acclaimed, multi-award winning author

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2 thoughts on “Split Seconds: A tangled web of secrets, lies and deceit! Pre-Order Your Copy Today! Bonuses Available! by Maggie Thom

  1. Please support my friend and fellow mystery/suspense/thriller writer Maggie Thom. Maggie hasn’t asked for my assistance, but her work is so intriguing I wanted to let my friends and followers know about her upcoming book. You won’t regret reading Maggie Thom’s gripping novels!

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